A New Civility Commitment
To signal your commitment to a new civility, I invite you to read and commit to the pledge below, which I have modeled after one offered by Julia Cameron, in her important book, The Artist’s Way, which is still helping readers tap into their creativity twenty-five years after it was first published.
It is my hope that Creating A New Civility will be equally influential in helping you discover your own ways to a life of civility by weaving guidelines from my book into your personal and public lives. Perhaps you will begin keeping a journal or joining a civility circle as a way to keep yourself focused in this endeavor.
Please read the pledge below and make the personal and public commitment it calls for. Look for ways you can bring civility to your family, your neighborhood and community, your school or work settings, and your social, religious, and political life. Then return to the pledge occasionally to determine how well you are meeting your commitment.
In doing so you will be joining a community of citizens devoted to working toward a more civil life as well as a more civil society.
It is my hope that Creating A New Civility will be equally influential in helping you discover your own ways to a life of civility by weaving guidelines from my book into your personal and public lives. Perhaps you will begin keeping a journal or joining a civility circle as a way to keep yourself focused in this endeavor.
Please read the pledge below and make the personal and public commitment it calls for. Look for ways you can bring civility to your family, your neighborhood and community, your school or work settings, and your social, religious, and political life. Then return to the pledge occasionally to determine how well you are meeting your commitment.
In doing so you will be joining a community of citizens devoted to working toward a more civil life as well as a more civil society.
I, _________________ , understand that I am joining
Other dedicated citizens
To reach for the Full Humanity of Citizen Ideal.
I commit to seeing my way through Five Processes
In order to gain an understanding of the New Civility,
So that I can bring about civil change
In the places I inhabit and with people I encounter.
“Full Humanity, Interdependence of Us All & Common Cause”
becomes my mantra.
I, _________________ , further understand that these processes
Will raise issues and emotion for myself and others to deal with.
I, _________________ , commit to caring for myself and Others,
And creating civil situations that build civil communities.
Signature____________________________ Date ___________